Since the Last Post

When this platform launched it was just a few Django text fields and nothing more. It is still early days but there has been some changes since then...

I have added an estimated read time. As a person who does a lot of reading on the internet I know how important this can be. There is nothing more annoying than reading a seemingly never ending story. Usually it is not that the story is really long. It is just because you were not expecting how long it would be.

After that, I realised that the blog was isolated and thought about engagement. I added email subscriptions. Now you can just go ahead and subscribe to get updates when there are new posts. Go ahead do it, I'll wait... Thanks.

Of course, as part of engagement, social media is a big one. I added social share links. The social platforms you see on the links are limited only by the plugin I use. I will add more as time goes.

I then added an ability to embed tweets like this:

I am in complete agreement with the content of the tweet, by the way.

These posts will get more technical as I add more and more features.

Reach me on Twitter if you have any thoughts or questions.