
My name is Lungelo Ximba. I'm an Electrical and Computer Engineer, but I have worked as a Software Engineer my whole career.

who am i?
This is the age-old question that I could not answer well even at lower grades in school. I am hoping this blog will provide a platform for me to reveal things about me that a single round Q&A could never reveal. However, foremost, I identify as an Engineer.

why (software) engineering?
However cliché it might sound, I actually like solving problems. (Software) Engineering is at the core of almost everything these days. This gives me an opportunity to work on varied problems.

what have I done?
Well, on a typical blog this is where I would gloat about my individual achievements. Let me just say I have gained experience in a number of different businesses, solving various social and lifestyle problems. The specifics will appear on the different posts I will be making on this blog.

what next?
This is my favourite question. It allows me to reflect and introspect. I am not 100% sure what comes next. I want to have a positive social impact.